Submitted by Laurel Main Street
Laurel, MS––February 21, 2022–– Laurel Main Street and First State Bank will host Laurel’s only 3-on-3 basketball tournament, Laurel Leap Day. The event will take place in the parking lot on Front Street from 10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M on Saturday, March 5th.
Spectators can expect food vendors, beer service, and a live DJ while cheering on their favorite team. This event is free to attend. Watch Laurel Main Street’s social media for possible weather contingency plans.
The tournament is double elimination, and teams may have no more than 5 players. There is a $50 entry fee per team and cash prizes will be given at the end of the tournament. 1st place will win $500, 2nd place $200, and 3rd place $100.
All players must be 18 or older, and players under 21 must submit a consent form signed by their legal guardian. The tournament is open to all types of teams — male, female, and coed.
Along with the tournament, players can enter the dunk competition and the 3-point shootout. Entry fees are $10 for each competition, or $5 for the kids 3-point shootout.
There will be a mandatory Team Captain meeting on Monday 2/28/22 from 5:30-7:00 P.M. at the Laurel Train Depot. Register today at!
Founded in 2007, Laurel Main Street is a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to revitalizing historic downtown Laurel, MS through preservation and economic growth. To learn more about Laurel Main Street, please visit