- Does the development have 10 or more residential dwelling units that have not been previously approved by the city’s planning commission?
- Is the development a residential, commercial, or industrial development with a structure in excess of three stories?
- Is the development a commercial or industrial development adjacent to a property that is zoned R-1, R-2, R-3, or R-4?
- Does the development encompass more than 3 acres (not including single-family lots previously approved by the city’s planning commission)?
- Is this a hazardous development within the I-3, Heavy Industrial District?
- Is this a planned unit development (PUD) district?
- Is this development located within the F-1, Flood Plain District?
- Is this development located within 200 feet of a street intersection?
- Is this an R-3 or R-4 zoned development that is adjacent to an R-1 or R-2 zoned property, in which the proposed development is NOT a single-family or two-family dwelling?
- Is this a change in the use of the “land”?
- Is this development located within the Leontyne Price Overlay District?
- Is this development located within the Sawmill Overlay District?
- Is this development located within the Downtown Overlay District?
The city’s overlay districts can be found by consulting the current zoning map (https://laurelms.maps.arcgis.com/apps/View/index.html?appid=8f6791018a74407ea74b27ed79207e7c)
If you do need a site plan review, you will need to download and complete the site plan application packet.
Once completed, you may deliver the application packet and supporting materials along with a $100.00 site plan review fee.
The site plan commission meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month to review proposals. They work to ensure that proposed projects meet the city’s standards to promote safety and enhance the city’s economic vitality.
Once your proposal is approved, you will be able to receive the appropriate permits.