Boards and Commissions

Boards and Commissions

The City of Laurel relies on the support of its citizens to develop and implement programs to move the city forward. Members of our community volunteer their time and expertise to advocate for the city’s citizens by serving on a variety of boards and commissions.

If you would like to serve on one of these boards or commissions, contact the Office of the Mayor at 601.428.6401 to apply. You may file an application form at any time of the year and your application will be kept on file until new appointments are made.

About Boards and Commissions

The mayor and city council can appoint individuals to serve on the city’s boards and commissions. Some of these organizations act in an advisory capacity to the mayor and city council as they develop ordinances, policies, and procedures for the city. Others act with varying degrees of autonomy in implementing administrative functions.

The city currently works with the following boards and commissions. (Please note that these are subject to change without notice.)

Standing Boards and Commissions

Standing Boards and Commissions serve the City of Laurel directly in developing and interpreting ordinances, policies, and procedures for the city as well as implementing administrative functions. 

Building Adjustments/Appeals Board:

The Building Adjustments and Appeals Board is in place to hear appeals from citizens and business owners to official interpretations of the adopted building codes. It was established by the city council when they adopted the 2018 International Building Code produced by the International Code Council (ICC). The code provides for the establishment of such a board in the following manner:

            Section 113: Board of Appeals

113.1 General. In order to hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions or determinations made by the building official relative to the application and interpretation of this code, there shall be and is hereby created a board of appeals. The board of appeals shall be appointed by the applicable governing authority and shall hold office at its pleasure. The board shall adopt rules of procedure for conducting its business.

113.2 Limitations on Authority. An application for appeal shall be based on a claim that the true intent of this code or the rules legally adopted thereunder have been incorrectly interpreted, the provisions of this code do not fully apply or an equally good or better form of construction is proposed. The board shall not have authority to waive requirements of this code.

113.3 Qualifications. The board of appeals shall consist of members who are qualified by experience and training to pass on matters pertaining to building construction and are not employees of the jurisdiction.


Jeffery Stewart (Term Expires 5/31/28)

Richy Seals (Term Expires 5/31/27)

Mac Foster (Term Expires 5/31/26)

Randy Cook (Term Expires 5/31/25)

Keith Ridgeway (Term Expires 5/31/29)

DeWayne Walters (Term Expires 5/31/28)

Vacant Position (Term Expires 5/31/28)         


Cable Franchise Board:

Not applicable at this time.

Civil Service Commission:

The Civil Service Commission oversees the employment and working conditions of city employees whose positions allow them civil service protections. These positions include police officers, firefighters, certain positions in the city’s inspection department, and certain general clerical positions throughout the city government. Most commonly, the commission oversees the administering of entry-level and promotional civil service exams and approves qualifying candidates to be added to eligibility lists to be hired or promoted within the city’s fire, police, and inspection departments. The commission also has the power to investigate all submitted written complaints, subpoena witnesses, administer oaths, and conduct hearings. The commission is comprised of one appointed representative from each of the city’s seven wards. Appointees serve a 6-year term.  Terms expire on December 31st. Currently, the city’s public relations specialist also serves as the commission’s secretary.

The Civil Service Commission meets the third Tuesday of each month at 4:00 p.m. in the city council chambers on the third floor of City Hall.

More information about civil service positions and policies, please refer to the Mississippi Code here

Ward 1 Charlotte Cook (Term Expires 12/31/29)

Ward 2 Lew Yoder (Term Expires 12/31/25)

Ward 3 Bo Asmar (Term Expires 12/31/26)

Ward 4 Tensie Wheeler (Term Expires 12/31/27)

Ward 5 Clinton Drummer, Jr. (Term Expires 12/31/28)

Ward 6 Richard Dantzler (Term Expires 12/31/28)

Ward 7 Barbara Brumfield-Pruitt (Term Expires 12/31/30)

Disabled and Handicapped Board:

The Disabled and Handicapped Board advocates for individuals in the community with disabilities. According to city ordinance, the board is only required to meet as needed but members of the board can decide if and when to hold regular meetings. The Disabled and Handicapped Board hears all grievances filed with the City of Laurel’s safety coordinator who serves as the designee of the city’s human resources director. It is the duty of the committee to hear the grievances and recommend solutions to the mayor and city council. The board consists of 10 members including one representative from each of the city’s seven wards as well as a representative from the business community, the medical community, and the county at-large.

Employees Insurance Commission:

The Employees Insurance Commission consists of multiple department heads within the City of Laurel who meet as-needed to assess and address the insurance needs of the city’s employees. This commission includes the following members:

Chief Leo Brown, Laurel Fire Department

Chief Tommy Cox, Laurel Police Department

Human Resources Director Nellie Satcher

Parks and Recreation Director Elvin Ulmer

Public Works Director Tyrome Russell

City Clerk and Finance Director Kristal Jones

City Inspection Superintendent Sandra Hadley

Retiree James Brown

City Council President Tony Thaxton (Councilman Ward 3)

Historic Preservation Commission:

The Historic Preservation Commission was established by the Mississippi Local Government Historic Preservation Act of 1978 to preserve, promote, and develop the historical resources of the City of Laurel; to advise the city council as to the designation of historic districts, landmarks, and landmark sites; and to perform other such functions as may be provided by law.

The Commission consists of nine residents of Laurel who are appointed by the mayor with due regard to proper representation in fields of interest such as history, architecture, architectural history, archaeology, urban planning, law, and real estate. The nine members include a representative from each of the city’s seven wards as well as two at-large members. A member of the city’s inspection department also serves on the board as an ex officio member.

All members of the commission serve a 6-year term, are eligible for reappointment, and serve at the will and pleasure of the mayor and city council. Terms expire on July 18th.

The Historic Preservation Commission meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 4:00 pm.

Ward 1 Faye Jackson (Term expires 7/18/30)

Ward 2 Mattie McLaurin (Term Expires 7/18/25)

Ward 3  Mrs. Nancy Guice  (Term Expires 7/18/30)

Ward 4 Ebonee Johnikin (Term Expires 7/18/29)

Ward 5 Ryan Hearn (Term Expires 7/18/26)

Ward 6 Michael McKinnon (Term Expires 7/18/30)

Ward 7 Marva Posey (Term Expires 7/18/28)

At-Large Josh Nowell, Chair (Term Expires 7/18/26)

At-Large Dr. John Wallace (Term Expires 7/18/27)

Ex-Officio Andria Osborne, City of Laurel Inspection Department 

Municipal Election Commission:

The Municipal Election Commission is charged with ensuring that all municipal elections are conducted in adherence to Chapter 15, Article 1 of the Mississippi Code, known as the “Mississippi Election Code.” Section 23-15-221 specifies that in cities, like Laurel, with populations of less than 20,000, three Election Commissioners are to be appointed. Municipal Election Commissioners must be appointed and confirmed by each duly sworn-in administration and council. Commissioners serve a 3-year term. Terms expire on June 30th.

Jacqueline Evans (Term Expires 6/30/25)

Laura Howse (Term Expires 6/30/25)

Ernest Hollingsworth (Term Expires 6/30/25)


Planning Commission:

The Planning Commission was established and is regulated by city ordinance 1340-1999 and consists of 16 commissioners including one member from each of the city’s seven wards, four at-large members, and five ex-officio members. Each of the five ex-officio members are representatives from one of the following organizations: the Economic Development Authority, Laurel Main Street, the Laurel City School District, the Jones County Board of Supervisors, and the city’s Historic Preservation Commission.  Commissioners serve a 5-year term.

The Planning Commission meets on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 4:30 p.m. followed by a public hearing at 5:30 p.m.


Ward 1 Satish Amin (Term Expires 6/30/29)

Ward 2 Fran Casey (Term Expires 6/30/26)

Ward 3 Brad Kent (Term Expires 6/30/28)

Ward 4 Cecil Ashford (Term Expires 6/30/27)

Ward 5 Susan Vincent, Chair (Term Expires 6/30/29)

Ward 6 Patricia Jordan Cook (Term Expires 6/30/28)

Ward 7 Chloe Davis (Term Expires 6/30/29)

At-Large John Wallace (Term Expires 6/30/25)

At-Large Lisa Cochran (Term Expires 6/30/26)

At-Large Lew Yoder (Term Expires 6/30/26)

At-Large Zane Lambert (Term Expires 6/30/29)

Ex-Officio Shelley Allen, Jones County Economic Development Authority (Term Expires 6/30/28)

Ex-Officio Andria Osborne, City of Laurel Inspections Department Clerk

Ex-Officio Caroline Burks, Laurel Main Street (Term Expires 6/30/27)

Ex-Officio representative, Laurel City Schools

Ex-Officio representative, Jones County Board of Supervisors


Tree Board:

The City of Laurel has the distinction of being the oldest Arbor Day Foundation-certified “Tree City” in the State of Mississippi. It is the responsibility of the Tree Board to work with the city’s Parks and Recreation department to meet the qualifications for that designation each year.

The Tree Board also creates and implements an annual written plan to provide for the care, preservation, pruning, planting, replanting, removal, or disposal of trees and shrubs in the city’s public areas. The board was established in accordance with Chapter 24, specifically referenced in ordinance 944-1981, of the city’s code of ordinances. This board consists of nine members including one representative from each of the city’s seven wards as well as two at-large members.

Members serve 3-year terms and can be reappointed. Terms expire on March 31st.

Ward 1  Thomas Shows  (Term Expires 3/31/25)

Ward 2 Sandra Bateman (Term Expires 3/31/27)

Ward 3 Kathy Posey (Term Expires 3/31/25)

Ward 4 Cynthia Rahaim (Term Expires 3/31/27)

Ward 5 Terri Knight (Term Expires 3/31/26)

Ward 6 Cathy Shanks (Term Expires 3/31/26)

Ward 7 Carolyn Owens (Term Expires 3/31/25)

At-Large Cathy Padgett (Term Expires 3/31/27)

At-Large Sandy Holifield (Term Expires 3/31/26)

Tourism Committee: 

The Laurel Tourism Committee oversees the spending of the tourism tax dollars collected from the 3% tourism tax in the City of Laurel. Members serve 4-year terms and can be reappointed. Terms expire on July 31st. 

George Bassi, Chairman (Term Expires 7/31/26)

Wanda Benson (Term Expires 7/31/25)

Ben Winpigler  (Term Expires 7/31/25)

Malik Davis   (Term Expires 7/31/28)

Terri Knight   (Term Expires 7/31/28)

Jim Rasberry  (Term Expires 7/31/27)

Ex-Officio  Amanda Roll, EDA Tourism Director

Ex-Officio Caroline Burks, Laurel Main Street Executive Director


Semi-Autonomous Board:

A semi-autonomous board has been granted the power to act independently of the city council in most instances but, on occasion, serves in an advisory capacity to the council. Currently, only the Airport Authority is considered part of this classification.


Laurel Airport Authority:

The Laurel Airport Authority, established on July 1, 1997, is an autonomous public body that owns, operates, maintains, expands, and otherwise has authority over the Laurel Airport and airport property in accordance with Sections 61-3-1 and following of the Mississippi Code of 1972 Annotated. Airport property consists of 1,350 acres of land on which is located an industrial park complex and the airport, which houses forty-eight aircraft and operates one asphalt runway.

The Airport Authority Board is comprised of five members – all appointed by the City for 5-year terms. The Airport Authority Board works with the airport manager in establishing policies and overseeing the control, operation, and development of the Laurel Airport and Industrial Park.

Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month. Terms expire on September 25th.

Elvin Ulmer (Term Expires 9/25/25)

Richard West (Term Expires 9/25/26)

William F. Horne, Jr. (Term Expires 9/25/27)

John Thaxton (Term Expires 9/25/29)

Susan Vincent (Term Expires 9/25/28)


Autonomous Boards:

These organizations act independently of the city council. However, the city usually appoints an individual or individuals to serve on these boards as representatives of the city.


Economic Development Authority (EDA):

The Economic Development Authority, established in 1983, is an organization that works to establish and sustain the economic vitality of Laurel and Jones County. The organization has a 17-member board of directors. Three members of that board are appointed by the city’s mayor to serve a 3-year term. More information about this organization can be found at the EDA’s website.

The City of Laurel’s current appointees are:

Whitney Pickering (Term Expires 6/30/27)

Andrew Ousley (Term Expires 6/30/25)

Marlon Ulmer (Term Expires 6/30/26)


Laurel/Jones County Library Board:

The Laurel/Jones County Library has branches in both Laurel and Ellisville and serves all Jones County residents by providing a number of services and educational programming. The library operates with a 12-member board of trustees. Five of those members are appointed by the mayor of Laurel to serve a 5-year term.

The City of Laurel’s current appointees are:

Ms. Willie Evans (Term Expires 12/31/28)

Clifton Nicholson (Term Expires 12/31/29)

Josh Nowell (Term Expires 12/31/25)

Bill Nunley (Term Expires 12/31/26)

Jason Johnson (Term Expires 12/31/27)


Laurel Municipal Separate School Board of Trustees:

The Laurel School District operates autonomously under its own leadership and administration in accordance with Title 37, Chapter 11 and following of the Mississippi Code. In addition to the school district’s distinct leadership, a five-member Board of Trustees serves as the legislative arm of the school district. In many cases, this board of trustees would be referred to as “the school board.” Members of this board are appointed by the mayor and must be approved by the city council. Trustees serve 5-year terms and may be re-appointed upon expiration of each term.

In order to qualify as a trustee, each new appointee is required by state law to attend a state-sponsored training workshop.

The Board of Trustees meet on the second Tuesday of each month.


Doncella Milton (Term Expires 2/28/25)

Sandy Holifield   (Term Expires 3/6/26)

Dr. Louis Wilford (Term Expires 3/5/27)

Read Diket   (Term Expires 3/3/28)

Keith Ridgeway    (Term Expires 3/2/29)


Laurel Housing Authority:

The Laurel Housing Authority operates under its own leadership and guidance. The LHA is overseen by a board of five commissioners who are appointed by the mayor to serve a 5-year term.

The City of Laurel’s current appointees are:

Tensie Wheeler (Term Expires 7/24/28)

Sandy Holifield (Term Expires 7/24/29)

Rev. George Barnes (Term Expires 7/24/25)

George Carter, Jr. (Term Expires 7/24/26)

Shelley Jones (Term Expires 7/24/27)


Pine Belt Airport Authority:

The Pine Belt Airport Authority, established in 1967, oversees the Hattiesburg-Laurel Regional Airport in Hattiesburg. The mayor of each municipality appoints a commissioner to serve a 5-year term representing their city.

The current City of Laurel appointee is:

William T. Green, Pine Belt Regional Airport (Term Expires 6/6/25)


Pine Belt Regional Solid Waste Management Authority South:

The Pine Belt Regional Solid Waste Management Authority was organized and exists under Sections 17-70-301 of the Mississippi Code of 1972. The Board of Commissioners is an appointed body that has executive powers and responsibilities to oversee the operation of the 342-acre regional landfill near Runnelstown, Mississippi. The organization also oversees transfer stations in Laurel, Hattiesburg, and Collins.

The Pine Belt Regional Solid Waste Management Authority is funded through tipping or weight-based fees charged to solid waste haulers from the Pine Belt area.

Counties and municipalities served by this organization appoint representatives to serve on the board. The City of Laurel has two appointees; the City of Hattiesburg has three appointees; the city of Petal has one appointee. Perry County has two appointees; Jones County has one appointee and Covington, Greene, Stone, and Jefferson Davis counties have one appointee each.  Appointees must be bonded. Appointees serve a 4-year term. Terms expire on June 30th.

The organization holds regular meetings in the administration building at the Runnelstown Landfill Site on the second Wednesday of each month at 9:00 a.m.

The City of Laurel’s current appointees are:

Susan Vincent (Term Expires 6/30/28)

Keith Ridgeway (Term Expires 6/30/25)


South Mississippi Fair Commission:

The South Mississippi Fair Commission oversees the Laurel Fairgrounds and Magnolia Center, a multi-purpose building that can accommodate up to 7,500 people. It is overseen by a 10-member commission. Five members are appointed by the mayor and serve a 5-year term. Terms expire on May 16th.

The City of Laurel’s current appointees are:

Rev. V. J. Graves (Term Expires 5/16/25)

Lee T. Donaldson (Term Expires 5/16/28)

Jerlean Nobles (Term Expires 5/16/26)

Sandra Bateman (Term Expires 5/16/29)

Georgette Pollard (Term Expires 5/16/27)

The City of Laurel, established as a lumber town in 1882, is conveniently situated approximately two hours from larger destination cities such as Jackson, Biloxi, New Orleans, and Mobile. In recent years, the city has become a destination all its own thanks, in part, to its starring role in HGTV’s popular “Hometown” series. As Laurel, and interest in it, continues to grow, we are committed to providing the resources necessary to help all of our residents and businesses reach their full potential.
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