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Grateful guests pen letter to thank city employee

March 28, 2023

Mayor Magee and Laurel Director of Public Works Tyrome Russell received a message from two visitors to the City Beautiful who will always remember the kindness of a public works employee, Vincent, who helped make their day a little brighter.

Thank you Vincent and the Laurel Public Works Department for all that you do to make Laurel a great place to be!

The letter read as follows:

To Laurel DPW,

As a visitor to Laurel, I sent an LTE to the Laurel Leader Call today. In case it doesn't get printed I want to let your department know about a very special person on your staff.

Below is the LTE in part I sent to the LLC:

Amidst the rancorous debate about matters as huge as democracy, racism, poverty, inequality, and the economy, there comes a dash of hope, a brief moment, when hope soars that somehow humanity will become unified in respecting all others and go the extra block, so to speak, and show it.

Today, a gentleman, Vincent, who works in Laurel’s Sanitation Department, drove past two aged people (my husband and me), about to try to lift a huge heavy suitcase into the back of our car. We were obviously no match for the task, though hoped we could somehow lift it.

Before we made the first hoist, Vincent had spied us struggling down the steps of our 1206 7th Avenue AirBNB where we’ve been staying for two months. He turned his truck around and stopped to ask if we needed help. We certainly did. He proceeded to single handily lift the probably 70-plus pound suitcase into the back of our car. We thanked him heartily and then he was gone, with a wish and a smile.

We will never forget his act of pure kindness, and want you to know that you and the City of Laurel have a very valued, giving and caring person on your staff, as I'm sure there many others.
We sincerely intend to pay forward his kindness.


Sue and George Myers
Venice, Florida

The City of Laurel, established as a lumber town in 1882, is conveniently situated approximately two hours from larger destination cities such as Jackson, Biloxi, New Orleans, and Mobile. In recent years, the city has become a destination all its own thanks, in part, to its starring role in HGTV’s popular “Hometown” series. As Laurel, and interest in it, continues to grow, we are committed to providing the resources necessary to help all of our residents and businesses reach their full potential.
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